- ID: 393
- Brand: Joanna Naturia Color
- Model: 5212
Do you dream of having the most
beautiful natural colors in your hair? Simply reach for one of the 24 shades of
Naturia color color cream and give your hair an exceptionally beautiful, deep,
long-lasting color that perfectly conceals your grey.
The color cream formula contains natural ingredients such as peach extract
and milk proteins. Peach is a rich source of vitamins and mineral salts, which
tone and regenerate the hair. Milk proteins moisturize and nourish the hair
After the treatment, colored hair regains its softness and resilience,
with a deep color, a beautiful shine and a healthy look.
Thanks to a high quality formula, Naturia color is one of the most popular
color creams on the Polish market and has earned the loyalty of millions of
Reactions to hair colourants can occur for a very small number of people, in the same way that some individuals can react to a variety of foods and natural substances.
Allergic reactions to hair colourants are extremely rare. Of those individuals who have the potential to react to a hair colourant, potential reactions can be detected by carrying out the Allergy Alert Test, as directed, 48 hours before you wish to use the product. The Allergy Alert Test must be completed before each colour application, even if you have previously used the same hair colourant or the colourant of any other brand.
Remove Earrings
Behind the ear and using a cotton bud, apply a small quantity of unmixed colourant product sufficient to cover an area of 1-2cm² (e.g. the size of a small coin).
Re-apply two or three times allowing it to dry between each application. Carefully reseal the colourant container and keep it for the application 48 hours later.
48 Hours
Leave for 48 hours without washing, covering or touching.
If during this period you notice any abnormal reactions, such as itching, redness or swelling in or around the test area, DO NOT APPLY THE PRODUCT.