Pork sausage, finely chopped, smoked, steamed, dried. Smoked for flavor. In a natural casing – sheep intestine. With added spices: cumin, black pepper, garlic, lovage. Dry and brittle. Gluten-free product marked with a crossed out ear. 100 g of product from 160 g of ham meat. Without the addition of..
Pork and poultry sausage, finely minced, smoked, steamed, dried. Smoked for flavor. In a natural casing – sheep intestine. With added spices: white pepper, garlic, lovage. Dry and brittle. Gluten-free product marked with a crossed ear With 150 g of meat 100 g of the product. Without the addition of ..
Pork sausage, finely chopped, smoked, steamed, dried. The product is gluten-free and marked with the Crossed Ear sign. Smoked for flavor. Dry and brittle. Sharp, expressive taste. In an edible casing – sheep intestine. From 160 g of meat, 100 g of product. Protein source. Without the addition of mon..
KABANOSY - Pork and veal sausage, finely minced, smoked, steamed, dried. 100 g of the product is made from 150 g of meat, including 115 g of pork and 35 g of veal. Seasoned with pepper and tomato. They contain herbs: oregano, thyme, parsley, basil, rosemary. Gluten-free product marked with the Cross..
Pork and poultry sausage, finely minced, smoked, steamed, dried. 100 g of the product is made from 150 g of meat, including 115 g of pork and 35 g of goose meat. Seasoned with cumin, black pepper, garlic and lovage. Gluten-free product marked with the Crossword Kłosa sign. Smoked for flavor. In an e..